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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5



Skytebane Trandum
grav trandumskogen
Trandumskogen_Foto MiA - Museene i Akershus (2)
Gravstein i Trandumskogen
Trandumskogen_Foto MiA - Museene i Akershus (1)

Shot in the dark - what happened in Trandumskogen?

Trandum forest isa national monument. The memorial is made of light Iddefjord granite and conducted by Per Palle Storm. The memorial is written: "I FIGHT FOR FREEDOM IN THE WAR IN NORWAY 1940 - 1945. Here in the forest Trandum 173 Norwegians, 15 Soviet and 6 Brite executed enemies." Right behind is a name plate on the executed. 18 grave sites / places of the north of the memorial is marked by numbered stone cross. Every 17 May morning will be held at the memorial monument.

Fonte: Visit Greater Oslo


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