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Røyrodden, Treungen

At the tip of the Røyrodden promontory on the shores of Lake Nisser you can see a number of large stone piles on the eroded rocks.

These are burial mounds from the Bronze or Iron Ages. Such burial mounds can be found on many of the promontories and headlands along Lake Nisser. On the other side of the main road the path leads to a grove with almost 1,000-year-old oak trees and 15 burial mounds from the Iron Age.

This burial site sits next to one of the oldest farms in Treungen: Årak. Old spearheads, equestrian equipment, lathes for weaving and various tools have been found at Årak, all made from iron and dating back to the Viking Age.

About the trail:

THIS TRAIL is in the shape of the number eight. One loop takes you to Lake Nisser with its great bathing spot and then to the top of a small hill. Enter your name in the visitors' book for a chance to win some great prizes from the Treungen sports club.

The other loop takes you into the woods surrounding the Årak farms. There you can find both blueberries and lingonberries as well as tracks left by elk, fox, roe deer and wood grouse.

The remains of two old smallholdings and ancient burial mounds bear witness to times gone by. The top of the Åraksåsen hill offers good views towards Treungen.

You can either do the full trip or parts of it. There are nice  resting places along the route.

Fonte: Vest Telemark


Røyrodden, Treungen

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