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Scenic Route Valdresflye (FV 51)

Sørlige ytterpunkt på Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye ved Garli like nord for Beitostølen. Foto Jarle
Valdresflye vinterstengt
Fylkesveg 51, Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye, ved vegens høyeste punkt, 1389 moh. Foto Werner Harsta
Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye. Foto: Hege Lysholm /Statens vegvesen
Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye_tidlig vinter_Foto Jarle Wæhler _Statens vegvesen
Fylkesveg 51, Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye. Foto: Vegar Moen
Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye_brøyting_Foto Werner Harstad _Statens vegvesen
Nasjonal turistveg Valdresflye_vintermørke_Foto Jarle Wæhler _Statens vegvesen

Norwegian Scenic Route Valdresflye runs from Garli to Hindsæter, with a detour to Gjende, a total distance of 49 km (Road 51). This is an excellent alternative if you are heading north, or it can be included in a wide variety of round trips.

The construction of roads in the mountains helped to link the various regions of Norway. More people were able to experience the mountains and the roads were very useful for summer mountain farms.  The majority of mountain roads in Norway have therefore been a key factor for the tourist industry ever since they were built, allowing us to explore the mountains easily and safely. Valdresflya is a good example of such a road.

You can make a stop almost anywhere and go for long or short hikes in the mountains. Rjupa and Vargbakkene are specially adapted stops but they are by no means the only places where you should have a break from driving. At summer mountain farms you have the opportunity to buy butter, sour cream and cheese produced in the traditional manner.

Up on Valdresflye you get the feeling of “hovering” above the mountain plateau with a great view towards many of the mountain peaks of Jotunheimen National Park. Remember that large open areas up in the mountains also mean strong winds. Whether you come from the north or the south we recommend a detour (2 km) to the beautiful Lake Gjende, which is a good point of departure for a number of walks. On Valdresflye there is a good deal of traffic and a few long climbs, but the cycle ride is absolutely manageable.

In time, this route will be part of National Cycle Route No. 5.

Winter notice: Parts of the route are closed during the winter between Garli and Maurvangen but the stretch between Hindsæter and Gjendesheim is open. Red flags in the map show where the road will be closed. The road is normally closed in December and reopens in April. Access to Gjendesheim is from Randen (Road 51) or Sjoa (Road 257). Opening and closing of scenic routes closed in winter.

Drivers must keep an eye open for domestic reindeer on this section of road. In the menu below you will find useful links that we hope will be helpful. For more tourist information, please contact local and regional tourist agents.


Fonte: Visit Jotunheimen AS

Scenic Route Valdresflye (FV 51)

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