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Røros Mining Town

Bergstadvandring Sommer
Jenter i Kjerkgata, Røros/ Foto: Tom Gustavsen
Rørosku - Flanderborg
Sleggveien Nedenfra
Winter Røros - Røros church, Foto:Geir Tønseth
Røros Kirke
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Tre jenter på flanderborg TGustavson
Rørosmuseet Malmplassen
Rørosmuseet Smelthytta 1906
Geir Sellieseth
This colorful charming timber town was founded in 1646 and has since developed as both a mining and agricultural community. Included on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites as early as 1980. The town centre boasts a rare collection of large and well-preserved wooden buildings, made all the more real and authentic by the fact that the people of today live and work in them..

Fonte: Destinasjon Røros

Røros Mining Town

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