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Innenlandsfiske i Bamble

Bamble Jeger- og Fiskarlag
Bamble Jeger- og Fiskarlag
Bamble Jeger- og Fiskarlag
Bamble Jeger- og Fiskarlag
Fiske under Brevik bru
Bamble Jeger- og Fiskerlag disposal about 50 water, and there may be special arrangements for some lakes. Most lakes are pure trout water, including Storfiskvann, Langvann, Sikletjenn, Lomtjenn and Eikelitjenn. For salomon fishing, the river in Herrevassdraget is a very good place for catching the popular fish.  If you like to hire cabins or at Deepsea boat contact Bamble Jeger- og Fiskalag at their mail. Fishing licenses available at:

Fonte: VisitGrenland AS

Innenlandsfiske i Bamble

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