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TripAdvisor rating of 4.5


Family sightseeing by dog wagon - Svalbard Husky

Hundekjøring vogn
hundekjøring vogn

This is a relaxing trip together with our dogs where the guide drives the wagon and you enjoy the view. We will tell you about Svalbard and all the different animals we see on our way. This is an activity that suits everyone, so bring the whole family!

This is a relaxing trip together with our dogs where the guide drives the wagon and you enjoy the view. We will tell you about Svalbard and all the different animals we see on our way. This is an activity that suits everyone, so bring the whole family!

You will be included in the preparation and help us harness the dogs. The drive goes from our dog yard and along the road in Advent valley. When we come back to the dog yard, we will serve some hot drinks and biscuits. If you’re lucky, we also have some puppies that are ready for cuddle.

Please contact us for booking this trip.

Fonte: Svalbard Reiseliv AS

Family sightseeing by dog wagon - Svalbard Husky

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