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Bryt Tapas bar

Bryt Tapasbar
Uteservering hos Bryt Tapas
Uteservering hos Bryt Tapas

Local food in Ålesund meets Spanish food culture at Bryt Tapas bar.

At spring, under the Spanish era in Ålesund, the town was filled with Spanish sailors on shore leave. Dancing in the streets, wine and guitar tunes were a regular sight. The people of the coast and the sailors met through food, wine, song and dance. Now we want to relive this. With a relaxing athmosphere, you can come here on an empty stomach or just to enjoy a glass of wine with some friends.

Bryt UT! - Outdoor seating
Our outdoor seating is open every they, the whole summer.
Lunch from 12-16, dinner from 16.30.
Opening hours for the outdoor seating: Tue-Sat 12-22. Sun-Mon 16-22 (14 if the weather is really good!)

Fonte: Ålesund & Sunnmøre

Bryt Tapas bar

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