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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Amundsen Bryggeri & Spiseri

Amundsen Bryggeri & Spiseri 6
Amundsen Bryggeri 1
Amundsen Bryggeri 2
Amundsen Bryggeri 5
Amundsen Bryggeri 4

Popular eatery and bar located in the heart of Oslo, close to Oslo City Hall.

It's all about the beer at Amundsen Brewery and Eatery, where you can enjoy beer from Norway and abroad, beer brewed on-site and good food made with beer in mind. The mood here is relaxed, and there is a 15-metre bar, live music from stage and sports on TV. In the winter you can warm yourself by the fireplace, and in summer the sun does the job on the outdoor patio. Amundsen also has Norway's first beer cellar, with a large selection of matured vintage beers from around the world.

Fonte: VisitOSLO as

Amundsen Bryggeri & Spiseri


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