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TripAdvisor rating of 4


Bear Park

Mennesker og Dyr. Foto Thomas Mørch (14)
Gaupa Blixten
Elg og kalver
Et vått kyss
Bjørn og et lite barn
Barn i div lekestativ Foto Thomas Mørch (8)
Barn i div lekestativ Foto Thomas Mørch (4)
Gutt med slange
Nora og ungene

Get up close and personal with bears, elk, lynx and other exotic animals!

In Bjørneparken our presenters will give free animal talks and escort you to animal encounters, every hour, every day. The animals include a variety of Norwegian predators and wild animals, as well as familiar domestic farm animals. We also have the largest crocodile exhibition in Norway, with 30 crocodiles, snakes and tortoises.

Our animals are housed in large natural enclosures. You can watch the animals up close and learn about them from our dedicated presenters.

We have loads for the kids to explore and do in our play areas, like obstacle courses, zip-line, rollercoaster, outdoor and indoor playgrounds, and several restaurants. Bjørneparken is full of unforgettable experiences for the whole family.

Welcome to Bjørneparken!

For more information:

Fonte: Hallingdal Reiseliv

Bear Park

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